Margaret Mock for Secretary-Treasurer

Margaret Mock is an experienced financial officer and a fierce protector of the interests of UAW members. She currently works on the shop floor at Local 140 (Stellantis Warren Truck).

At Local 961, she was elected Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Committeeperson (three terms), served as Shop Chair, and multiple years as a Bargaining Committee Member. As a Health & Safety Rep, she fought hard for the membership, filing OSHA charges that placed the company into the Severe Violators Enforcement Program. As a result, corrupt union leaders removed her, claiming she needed to be friendlier with management. She refused to be bullied or compromise her integrity!

She is running because even after the exposure of a massive corruption scandal, we still do not have trustworthy leaders on the IEB. According to the UAW Monitor’s status report filed in July, her opponent used $95,000 in UAW membership dues to purchase 1,500 backpacks with his name and title on them. Meanwhile, the IEB is still dragging its feet on implementing the Monitor’s recommendations for improving our financial compliance standards and controls.

As Secretary-Treasurer, she vows to

  • Fully cooperate with the Monitor in all investigations

  • Fully implement all of the Monitor’s recommendations

  • Make the financial records of the International Union transparent to the membership

  • Enforce strict bookkeeping and vendor protocols within the International Union

  • Ensure that members fighting the companies receive strike assistance in a timely manner

Read more in Margaret’s letter on the right. By working together as a TEAM, we can clean up our union and restore the trust of the membership!

Support Margaret’s campaign